Renewables cover 56 percent of Germany electricity use in March quarter

Renewables cover 56 percent of Germany electricity use in March quarter

Renew Economy reports:

Renewable energy sources covered around 56 percent of electricity consumption in Germany in the first three months of the year, according to preliminary calculations by the Centre for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Württemberg (ZSW) and utility association BDEW.

“In total, renewable energy plants generated around 75.9 billion kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity from January to March, around nine percent more than in the same period last year,” BDEW said.

Onshore wind energy plants alone produced 39.4 billion kWh of electricity, covering more than a quarter of demand.

“The recent steady rise in the share of renewables in electricity consumption shows that we are on the right track,” BDEW head Kerstin Andreae said.

“The expansion of renewable energies has recently increased significantly. This is now being reflected in electricity generation.”

Germany aims to have a renewable electricity share of 80 percent by 2030 and a largely decarbonised power supply by 2035. [Continue reading…]

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