Every university in Gaza has been destroyed. So have these students’ dreams

Every university in Gaza has been destroyed. So have these students’ dreams

Sondos Fayoumi writes:

Around 88,000 higher education students in Gaza were supposed to sit for their exams last month. Many looked forward to completing their final assessments and celebrating their hard-earned graduation.

Thanks to Israel’s genocidal war, though, nobody wore their caps and gowns. Instead, young people are enduring devastation of unparalleled magnitude. Every university in Gaza has been obliterated. Libraries have been burned to the ground. And the aspirations of Palestinian graduates lie in tatters.

In addition to the loss of loved ones, including family, friends, and professors, the conflict robbed these students of their ambitions and dreams— for a future now teetering on the edge of uncertainty. I spoke to a few students in Gaza to learn more about what they are going through. [Continue reading…]

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