Israel cabinet ministers and allies say Palestinians should be ‘encouraged’ to emigrate

Israel cabinet ministers and allies say Palestinians should be ‘encouraged’ to emigrate

The Times of Israel reports:

Cabinet ministers and MKs called for the rebuilding of Jewish settlements in Gaza at an ultra-nationalist march and rally attended by thousands in the town of Sderot, close to the Gaza border on Tuesday.

National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir declared that the “voluntary emigration” of Palestinians from Gaza should be promoted, Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi insisted that the resettling of Gaza was the only way to ensure Israeli security, and Religious Zionism MK Zvi Sukkot blamed the October 7 massacres on the 2005 Disengagement Plan.

Organizers claimed that some 50,000 people turned up for the Independence Day march promoted under the banner of building Jewish settlements in Gaza from where some 15 settlements and around 8,500 settlers were evacuated in 2005.

“To end the problem, in order that the problem won’t come back, we need to do two things: one return to Gaza now! Return home! Return to our holy land! said Ben Gvir from the stage of the rally set up at the end of the march.

“And second, encourage emigration. Encourage the voluntary departure of Gaza’s residents…It is ethical! It is rational! It is right! It is the truth! It is the Torah and it is the only way! And yes, it is humane,” he continued.

This is the second time the ultra-nationalist minister has publicly promoted Palestinian emigration from Gaza as a means of resolving the conflict, having done so at a January resettle Gaza conference. [Continue reading…]

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