Michigan may soon show just how badly Biden’s ceasefire stance is hurting him

Michigan may soon show just how badly Biden’s ceasefire stance is hurting him

Politico reports:

Joe Biden and his campaign know they’re paying a political price with some voters by not calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

But inside the critical battleground state of Michigan, some Democrats fear the president’s team doesn’t appreciate the depths of discontent from Arab American and young voters over Biden’s response to the Israel-Hamas war. And they worry that even a widely expected protest vote in next week’s primary won’t give them the wakeup call that’s needed.

“I’m still surprised that they’re not taking this more seriously,” said state Sen. Darrin Camilleri, who declined to say how he’ll vote in Tuesday’s primary but supports a permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

“I feel like this is 2016 all over again,” Camilleri continued, referencing the former President Donald Trump’s victory in the state. “It feels like our national party is not listening to our issues on the ground. If the president doesn’t change course, I would not be surprised if Biden loses the state [in November].”

A Democratic strategist in the state, who backs Biden and was granted anonymity to speak candidly, echoed those fears. Democrats, the strategist said, “are in trouble” because “every day, as violence in Gaza continues, getting those voters back becomes more of a challenge for Biden.” [Continue reading…]

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