Arab and Muslim Americans weren’t happy with Biden before Gaza war. Now they’re enraged

Arab and Muslim Americans weren’t happy with Biden before Gaza war. Now they’re enraged

Bishara A. Bahbah writes:

In the key swing state of Michigan Arab and Muslim voters have been watching closely – and with growing rage – U.S. President Joe Biden’s one-sided support of Israel in a war they say is not being waged just against Hamas, but against Palestinians living in Gaza.

These voters who helped him win in 2020 could now help tip the support against Biden, potentially costing him re-election.

Michigan is home to the largest population of Arab Americans in the country. Some 310,000 residents are of either Middle Eastern or North African descent and many are pledging to form a untied block against Biden unless he changes course. Even the specter of a return of Donald Trump to the White House does not deter them.

It’s not just Michigan – across the United States Arab Americans support for Biden has taken a nose dive, from 59 percent in 2020 to 17 percent if elections were held today. [Continue reading…]

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