George Santos admits to lying about college and work history

George Santos admits to lying about college and work history

The New York Times reports:

Representative-elect George Santos admitted on Monday to misleading voters about his professional experience and educational history, confirming some of the key findings of a New York Times investigation that found he likely misrepresented his background to voters.

Mr. Santos, a Republican who was elected in November to represent parts of northern Long Island and northeast Queens, ended a week of near silence, giving interviews to two conservative-owned media outlets, The New York Post and WABC-AM radio.

Mr. Santos told The Post that even though he now admits to embellishing his résumé, it would not stop him from taking office.

“I am not a criminal,” Mr. Santos told The Post, adding he would still be an effective legislator. He told WABC radio that he still intended to be sworn in at the start of the next Congress. [Continue reading…]

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