Climate groups join for first-of-its-kind, $100 million push to mobilize midterm voters

Climate groups join for first-of-its-kind, $100 million push to mobilize midterm voters

CNN reports:

In an attempt to mobilize voters around the climate crisis, six climate advocacy groups are readying for the midterms with an arsenal of $100 million — the first coordinated spending of its kind.

In a difficult political year for Democrats, the climate groups are forming the new Climate Votes Project, shared first with CNN and to be announced Monday. The $100 million will pay for multiple ad campaigns, as well as an in-person field organizing to contact hard-to-reach voters in battleground states including Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Georgia and others, according to officials leading the coalition.

The groups include Climate Power Action PAC, Climate Reality Action Fund, EDF Action Votes, League of Conservation Voters Victory Fund, NRDC Action Votes, and NextGen PAC.

“We know turnout is going to be lighter in an off-year election,” David Kieve, president of the Environmental Defense Action Fund, and a former top staffer at the White House Council on Environmental Quality, told CNN. “Our job is to motivate people who will be motivated by climate.”

While some climate groups spent millions on their own in the 2018 midterms, Monday’s announcement will mark the first time these climate groups are coming together to spend $100 million in a midterm election. [Continue reading…]

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