Trump administration sets wave of executions for days leading up to Biden inauguration

Trump administration sets wave of executions for days leading up to Biden inauguration

The Washington Post reports:

After nearly two decades without any federal executions, the Justice Department reversed course this summer by carrying out three death sentences in four days. Now the department is planning a similarly busy schedule of executions during the Trump administration’s final days, before a president who staunchly backs capital punishment is succeeded by one who opposes it.

The Justice Department’s push to carry out executions during the run-up to President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration — including scheduling three during the week before he takes office — has drawn sharp condemnation from critics who denounced these actions during the lame-duck window.

“It’s just unconscionable to move forward with executions at this point, in this situation,” said Shawn Nolan, a lawyer for two of the federal death-row inmates facing execution. “Joe Biden ran on a platform of not moving forward with executions. And they shouldn’t move forward with these executions during this transition period.” [Continue reading…]

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