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Month: May 2019

A new glimpse of the evolving universe

A new glimpse of the evolving universe

  HubbleSite reports: Astronomers have put together the largest and most comprehensive “history book” of galaxies into one single image, using 16 years’ worth of observations from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope. The deep-sky mosaic, created from nearly 7,500 individual exposures, provides a wide portrait of the distant universe, containing 265,000 galaxies that stretch back through 13.3 billion years of time to just 500 million years after the big bang. The faintest and farthest galaxies are just one ten-billionth the brightness…

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The United States attorney general is now a defense lawyer for Donald Trump

The United States attorney general is now a defense lawyer for Donald Trump

Benjamin Wittes writes: I was willing to give Bill Barr a chance. Consider me burned. When Barr was nominated, I wrote a cautious piece for this magazine declining to give him “a character reference” and acknowledging “legitimate reasons to be concerned about [his] nomination,” but nonetheless concluding that “I suspect that he is likely as good as we’re going to get. And he might well be good enough. Because most of all, what the department needs right now is honest…

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Pelosi says Barr has committed a crime by lying to Congress

Pelosi says Barr has committed a crime by lying to Congress

Politico reports: Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday accused Attorney General William Barr of committing a crime by lying to Congress, blasting him in a closed-door meeting and later at a news conference. “We saw [Barr] commit a crime when he answered your question,” Pelosi told Rep. Charlie Crist (D-Fla.) during a private caucus meeting Thursday morning, according to two sources present for the gathering. “He lied to Congress. He lied to Congress,” Pelosi said soon after at a news conference….

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Democrats threaten Barr with contempt after he no-shows House hearing

Democrats threaten Barr with contempt after he no-shows House hearing

The New York Times reports: House Democrats, decrying what they called an erosion of American democracy, threatened on Thursday to hold Attorney General William P. Barr in contempt of Congress after he failed to appear at a hearing of the Judiciary Committee and ignored a subpoena deadline to hand over Robert S. Mueller III’s full report and evidence. They seized on a letter from Mr. Mueller to the attorney general in which he took Mr. Barr to task for the…

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House passes bill to force U.S. to stay in Paris climate agreement

House passes bill to force U.S. to stay in Paris climate agreement

The Washington Post reports: The House of Representatives passed a bill on Thursday designed to force the United States to stay in the Paris accord, in a rebuke to President Trump, who has promised to withdraw from the landmark climate agreement inked under his predecessor, Barack Obama. The Democratic bill, which passed 231 to 190 in a vote largely along party lines, stands little chance of approval in the GOP-controlled Senate. But House Democrats seized on the measure to portray…

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Saudi and other foreign government leases at Trump World Tower raise more emoluments concerns

Saudi and other foreign government leases at Trump World Tower raise more emoluments concerns

Reuters reports: The U.S. State Department allowed at least seven foreign governments to rent luxury condominiums in New York’s Trump World Tower in 2017 without approval from Congress, according to documents and people familiar with the leases, a potential violation of the U.S. Constitution’s emoluments clause. The 90-story Manhattan building, part of the real estate empire of Donald Trump, had housed diplomats and foreign officials before the property developer became president. But now that he is in the White House,…

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FBI sent investigator posing as research assistant to meet with Trump aide in 2016

FBI sent investigator posing as research assistant to meet with Trump aide in 2016

The New York Times reports: The conversation at a London bar in September 2016 took a strange turn when the woman sitting across from George Papadopoulos, a Trump campaign adviser, asked a direct question: Was the Trump campaign working with Russia? The woman had set up the meeting to discuss foreign policy issues. But she was actually a government investigator posing as a research assistant, according to people familiar with the operation. The F.B.I. sent her to London as part…

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Being pro-Israel and opposing Israeli racism

Being pro-Israel and opposing Israeli racism

Batya Ungar-Sargon writes: [Last month,] at a CNN town hall, Bernie Sanders put to rest the idea that the 2020 Democratic primaries are going to be about Israel. “I am 100% pro Israel,” he said. “Israel has every right in the world to exist, and to exist in peace and security, and not to be subjected to terrorist attacks. But the United States needs to deal not just with Israel but with the Palestinian people.” “What I believe is not…

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Seeing our expectations

Seeing our expectations

Jordana Cepelewicz writes: Imagine picking up a glass of what you think is apple juice, only to take a sip and discover that it’s actually ginger ale. Even though you usually love the soda, this time it tastes terrible. That’s because context and internal states, including expectation, influence how all animals perceive and process sensory information, explained Alfredo Fontanini, a neurobiologist at Stony Brook University in New York. In this case, anticipating the wrong stimulus leads to a surprise, and…

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Why Barr can’t whitewash the Mueller report

Why Barr can’t whitewash the Mueller report

Neal K. Katyal writes: Many who watched Attorney General William Barr’s testimony on Wednesday before the Senate Judiciary Committee, which followed the revelation that the special counsel Robert Mueller had expressed misgivings about Mr. Barr’s characterization of his report, are despairing about the rule of law. I am not among them. I think the system is working, and inching, however slowly, toward justice. When it comes to investigating a president, the special counsel regulations I had the privilege of drafting…

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William Barr’s ‘snitty’ slip-up gives away his game

William Barr’s ‘snitty’ slip-up gives away his game

Aaron Blake writes: Attorney General William P. Barr appeared before Congress on Wednesday having been accused of misleading about and pre-spinning the Mueller report for President Trump. He also came on the heels of a newly reported letter in which Robert S. Mueller III rebuked Barr’s handling of the matter. So it should come as no surprise that he misled about and spun Mueller’s letter, too. The difference this time was that he accidentally gave away his game. From the…

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Trump eats your soul in small bites

Trump eats your soul in small bites

James Comey writes: People have been asking me hard questions. What happened to the leaders in the Trump administration, especially the attorney general, Bill Barr, who I have said was due the benefit of the doubt? How could Mr. Barr, a bright and accomplished lawyer, start channeling the president in using words like “no collusion” and F.B.I. “spying”? And downplaying acts of obstruction of justice as products of the president’s being “frustrated and angry,” something he would never say to…

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How an elaborate plan to topple Venezuela’s president went wrong

How an elaborate plan to topple Venezuela’s president went wrong

Uri Friedman writes: In the effort to topple Nicolás Maduro, Colombia’s ambassador to the United States once told me, the military men propping up Venezuela’s authoritarian president are like chess pieces. If they defect from the regime, “you lose that chess piece,” Francisco Santos explained. “They work better from the inside.” As Tuesday, April 30, began, the United States and its allies thought they finally had checkmate, after months of building up the opposition leader Juan Guaidó as Venezuela’s legitimate…

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Populists far more likely to believe in conspiracy theories

Populists far more likely to believe in conspiracy theories

The Guardian reports: Populists across the world are significantly more likely to believe in conspiracy theories about vaccinations, global warming and the 9/11 terrorist attacks, according to a landmark global survey shared exclusively with the Guardian. The YouGov-Cambridge Globalism Project sheds new light on a section of the world population that appears to have limited faith in scientific experts and representative democracy. Analysis of the survey found the clearest tendency among people with strongly held populist attitudes was a belief…

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