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Category: Social media

Employees outraged with Zuckerberg as Facebook continues promoting violence

Employees outraged with Zuckerberg as Facebook continues promoting violence

BuzzFeed reports: Frustrated Facebook employees slammed CEO Mark Zuckerberg on Thursday during a companywide meeting, questioning his leadership and decision-making, following a week in which the platform promoted violent conspiracy theories and gave safe harbor to militia groups. The billionaire chief executive was speaking via webcast at the company’s weekly all-hands meeting, attempting to address questions about violence in Kenosha, Wisconsin, and the QAnon conspiracy that has proliferated across Facebook. The meeting came one day after the Verge reported that…

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Facebook plans how to respond if Trump tries to cast doubt on election results

Facebook plans how to respond if Trump tries to cast doubt on election results

The New York Times reports: Facebook spent years preparing to ward off any tampering on its site ahead of November’s presidential election. Now the social network is getting ready in case President Trump interferes once the vote is over. Employees at the Silicon Valley company are laying out contingency plans and walking through postelection scenarios that include attempts by Mr. Trump or his campaign to use the platform to delegitimize the results, people with knowledge of Facebook’s plans said. Facebook…

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The Republican embrace of QAnon goes far beyond Trump

The Republican embrace of QAnon goes far beyond Trump

The New York Times reports: Late last month, as the Texas Republican Party was shifting into campaign mode, it unveiled a new slogan, lifting a rallying cry straight from a once-unthinkable source: the internet-driven conspiracy theory known as QAnon. The new catchphrase, “We Are the Storm,” is an unsubtle cue to a group that the F.B.I. has labeled a potential domestic terrorist threat. It is instantly recognizable among QAnon adherents, signaling what they claim is a coming conflagration between President…

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Facebook algorithm found to ‘actively promote’ Holocaust denial

Facebook algorithm found to ‘actively promote’ Holocaust denial

The Guardian reports: Facebook’s algorithm “actively promotes” Holocaust denial content according to an analysis that will increase pressure on the social media giant to remove antisemitic content relating to the Nazi genocide. An investigation by the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD), a UK-based counter-extremist organisation, found that typing “holocaust” in the Facebook search function brought up suggestions for denial pages, which in turn recommended links to publishers which sell revisionist and denial literature, as well as pages dedicated to the…

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Facebook’s preferential treatment of U.S. conservatives puts its fact-checking program in danger

Facebook’s preferential treatment of U.S. conservatives puts its fact-checking program in danger

BuzzFeed reports: On May 8, Prager University, a nonprofit conservative media outlet, published a video on Facebook that incorrectly claimed “there is no evidence that CO2 emissions are the dominant factor” in climate change. Within days, Climate Feedback, a nonpartisan network of scientists and a member of Facebook’s global fact-checking partnership, rated the content as false — a designation that was supposed to result in serious consequences. It was PragerU’s second strike for false content that month, which under Facebook’s…

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What will happen if Trump uses Facebook to dispute election results, employees ask Zuckerberg

What will happen if Trump uses Facebook to dispute election results, employees ask Zuckerberg

BuzzFeed reports: After months of debate and disagreement over the handling of inflammatory or misleading posts from Donald Trump, Facebook employees want CEO Mark Zuckerberg to explain what the company would do if the leader of the free world uses the social network to undermine the results of the 2020 US presidential election. “I do think we’re headed for a problematic scenario where Facebook is going to be used to aggressively undermine the legitimacy of the US elections, in a…

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How the pandemic brought America to its knees

How the pandemic brought America to its knees

Ed Yong writes: How did it come to this? A virus a thousand times smaller than a dust mote has humbled and humiliated the planet’s most powerful nation. America has failed to protect its people, leaving them with illness and financial ruin. It has lost its status as a global leader. It has careened between inaction and ineptitude. The breadth and magnitude of its errors are difficult, in the moment, to truly fathom. In the first half of 2020, SARS‑CoV‑2—the…

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Media coverage of the 2016 campaign was disastrous. Now’s the last chance to get 2020 right

Media coverage of the 2016 campaign was disastrous. Now’s the last chance to get 2020 right

Margaret Sullivan writes: How did the news media mess up in the 100 days leading up to the 2016 presidential election? Let me count the ways. Journalists relied too much on what opinion polls were saying and often presented a skewed interpretation of their meaning. That fed the sense that Hillary Clinton would be the inevitable winner. They vastly overplayed the Clinton email story, particularly the “reopened investigation” aspect in October. Given Donald Trump’s background and behavior, the emphasis was…

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Social media and the death of good-faith debate

Social media and the death of good-faith debate

Lili Loofbourow writes: A number of public thinkers are pining for a culture capable of hosting spirited debate in a neutral “marketplace” of ideas. In this vision, intellectual exchange is unencumbered by personal attacks or harsh judgment or, indeed—to preserve freedom of inquiry—the risk of professional consequences. And at the moment, many intellectuals seem most focused on curbing these “illiberal” tendencies on the left. The left, they say, have declared certain ideas off-limits for debate, dismissing those who want to…

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‘Outright lies’: Voting misinformation flourishes on Facebook

‘Outright lies’: Voting misinformation flourishes on Facebook

By Ryan McCarthy, ProPublica, July 16, 2020 On April 3, Terrence K. Williams, a politically conservative actor and comedian who’s been praised by President Donald Trump, assured his nearly 3 million followers on Facebook that Democrats would light ballots on fire or throw them away. Wearing a red “Keep America Great” hat, Williams declared, “If you mail in your vote, your vote will be in Barack Obama’s fireplace.” The video has been viewed more than 350,000 times. On May 8,…

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Facebook considering political-ad blackout ahead of U.S. election

Facebook considering political-ad blackout ahead of U.S. election

Bloomberg reports: Facebook Inc. is considering imposing a ban on political ads on its social network in the days leading up to the U.S. election in November, according to people familiar with the company’s thinking. The potential ban is still only being discussed and hasn’t yet been finalized, said the people, who asked not to be named talking about internal policies. A halt on ads could defend against misleading election-related content spreading as people prepare to vote. Still, there are…

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Facebook ad boycott organizers met with Zuckerberg. It was ‘nothing more than a PR exercise’

Facebook ad boycott organizers met with Zuckerberg. It was ‘nothing more than a PR exercise’

CNN reports: Civil rights and activist groups blasted Facebook’s leadership on Tuesday after meeting with CEO Mark Zuckerberg and other executives to discuss the demands of a large advertiser boycott that now includes hundreds of brands. “The meeting we just left was a disappointment,” said Rashad Robinson, the president of Color of Change. “[Facebook] showed up to the meeting expecting an ‘A’ for attendance.” Free Press, a media activist group and one of the organizers of the #StopHateForProfit campaign to…

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What Facebook and the oil industry have in common

What Facebook and the oil industry have in common

Bill McKibben writes: Why is it so hard to get Facebook to do anything about the hate and deception that fill its pages, even when it’s clear that they are helping to destroy democracy? And why, of all things, did the company recently decide to exempt a climate-denial post from its fact-checking process? The answer is clear: Facebook’s core business is to get as many people as possible to spend as many hours as possible on its site, so that…

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Facebook can’t be reformed

Facebook can’t be reformed

Charlie Warzel writes: “We know we have more work to do.” That was the line from numerous Facebook representatives last week in reaction to the #StopHateForProfit advertising boycott campaign. Intended to pressure the company to curb hate speech and misinformation, the boycott has been joined by several high-profile brands, including Unilever and Verizon, and could make a rare dent in Facebook’s ad revenue. The campaign seems to be having an effect. On Friday, Facebook announced that it would add labels…

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Facebook has been profiting from Boogaloo ads promoting civil war and unrest

Facebook has been profiting from Boogaloo ads promoting civil war and unrest

BuzzFeed reports: On Sunday, the @docscustomknives Instagram account placed an ad on the popular photo-sharing social network advocating that people “join the militia, fight the state.” As clips from action movies play, showing police officers being shot and killed, music blares with lyrics proclaiming, “We ain’t scared of no police / We got guns too.” As of Tuesday afternoon, the ad was still online. Several hashtags in the ad — including #Boogaloo, #BoogalooBois, and #BoogalooMemes — connect the ad to…

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Trump on Twitter inflames an already burning culture war

Trump on Twitter inflames an already burning culture war

Josh Dawsey writes: President Trump returned from his Virginia golf course Saturday afternoon and turned his Twitter feed into a crime blotter. In less than five minutes, the president posted 15 fliers from the United States Park Police to his 82.6 million followers, complete with grainy photos of Americans suspected of vandalism at Lafayette Square. The images hearkened to the kinds of posters one would see on the wall of a local post office. The president’s messages about protesters and…

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