Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières: Gaza before October 7th

Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières: Gaza before October 7th

Most of the footage in this documentary was filmed in May 2023, some five months before the war that has now engulfed Gaza. The purpose of the original documentary project was to explore the impact of Israel’s blockade on Gaza, which made it extremely difficult to import essential medical items such C-arms (mobile x-ray machines, essential for orthopedic surgeries). However, the footage also showcases the relative strength of Gaza’s healthcare system prior to October 7, 2023, which provided advanced surgical care, research, and stewardship on antimicrobial resistance, among other medical services.

Today that healthcare system no longer exists—it has been systematically dismantled in the bombing, fighting, and the killing, abuse, and arrest of medical professionals and patients. Learn more here:

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