Why do Republicans stick with Trump? New study explores the role of white nationalism

Why do Republicans stick with Trump? New study explores the role of white nationalism

PsyPost reports:

A new study explores why many Americans, particularly Republican voters, continue to support former President Donald Trump despite serious charges against him. Researchers found that white nationalism and political views play crucial roles in shaping public attitudes towards these charges. The study, published in The British Journal of Criminology, sheds light on the interplay between racial attitudes and political allegiances in contemporary America.

The attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, by Trump supporters resulted in significant consequences, including fatalities, injuries, extensive property damage, numerous arrests, and psychological trauma. The subsequent investigation by the United States House Select Committee aimed to determine the role of Trump in inciting this attack and whether criminal charges were warranted.

Despite the evidence against Trump, polls indicated that a significant portion of Republican voters continued to support him. The study aimed to understand why this segment of the population remained loyal to Trump despite the serious allegations.

To examine this, the researchers designed a split-ballot experiment to explore why many Americans continue to support former President Donald Trump despite the serious criminal charges against him. This experiment was conducted in May 2022, prior to any public hearings or announcements by the United States House Select Committee investigating the January 6th attack on the Capitol. The goal was to understand public reactions to hypothetical findings and recommendations by the Committee, thereby isolating the effects of political and racial attitudes on these reactions. [Continue reading…]

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