Stephen Miller’s America First Legal rakes in $44 million with $27 million from a single donor

Stephen Miller’s America First Legal rakes in $44 million with $27 million from a single donor

The Hill reports:

Longtime Trump adviser Stephen Miller’s legal group saw a major jump in revenue last year, raising $44 million, significantly more than the $6 million garnered during 2021.

Miller’s national non-profit, America First Legal, registered as a 501c(3), saw a near 600 percent revenue jump, according to a Bloomberg New analysis of tax fillings provided by Accountable.US, a progressive watchdog group.

The revenue increase comes after the group started filing more lawsuits, focused on challenging major law firms, school districts and corporations that it describes as “radical” and “woke.”

Miller’s group tackles controversial culture war issues, particularly when it comes to transgender rights, diversity in hiring programs, immigration and even aiding Trump in his mounting legal battles. America First Legal opposes “the radical left’s anti-jobs, anti-freedom, anti-faith, anti-borders, anti-police, and anti-American crusade,” according to its website.

As a registered 501c(3), the group does not have to disclose its donors, which is significant considering the majority of its revenue, $27 million, came from one single donor. [Continue reading…]

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