The unusual origins behind the splashiest, newest political news site

The unusual origins behind the splashiest, newest political news site

Politico reports:

The launch of the website Grid earlier this month represented the latest bet that the market for explainer journalism still exists in the digital space.

But unlike others in the field, Grid has a unique origin story, one that involves early ties to a global consulting firm best known for its crisis communications management and lobbying work on behalf of foreign governments, most notably the United Arab Emirates.

Months before Grid brought on board any writers or staff, the new digital media organization hired APCO Worldwide to help with its launch. The global marketing and consulting firm, which is headquartered in D.C. but is a registered lobbyist for various clients based in the UAE, confirmed to POLITICO that it “provided consulting services for Grid during the first half of 2021.”

A spokesperson said it has no continuing role with the digital news organization, which launched earlier this month. And Laura McGann, Grid’s top editor, said in a statement that APCO did not win a competitive bidding process for a PR contract for the site. The contract, instead, has gone to DKC News, which does public relations work for Grid.

But Grid maintains links to APCO, which represents a number of major UAE clients, including the company’s state-owned oil company. [Continue reading…]

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