‘Expert mathematician’ on election fraud actually a a convicted drug dealer with no college degree, lawsuit says

‘Expert mathematician’ on election fraud actually a a convicted drug dealer with no college degree, lawsuit says

Motherboard reports:

On January 27, the pro-Trump channel OAN broadcast a segment interviewing an “expert mathematician” named Ed Solomon who claimed to have found evidence within precinct-level reporting that the election was rigged by an algorithm. The basis of Solomon’s claim is that he found several precincts throughout the country reporting exactly the same results at various times throughout the vote tabulation process.

Asked by host Christina Bobb what the likelihood of what Solomon claimed to have found being a coincidence is, Solomon replied, “You can use the binomial probability formula, and the chance of that event happening is one over ten to an exponent so large there’s not enough stars in the universe—there’s not enough atoms in the universe to explain the number. It can’t happen naturally.”

If this sounds suspiciously vague for a mathematician, that’s because Solomon is not actually a mathematician, according to a lawsuit voting machine company Dominion filed against OAN for knowingly reporting defamatory claims against the company in the wake of Trump’s loss. In fact, according to the lawsuit, Solomon is a convicted drug dealer and “was working as an ‘installer’ at a swing set construction company in Long Island” at the time of the interview. [Continue reading…]

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