Biden knows Trump needs replacing, but he’s unclear why he should be the replacement

Biden knows Trump needs replacing, but he’s unclear why he should be the replacement

The New York Times reports:

“How badly do you want to be president?” Joseph R. Biden Jr. was asked after a recent speech in Prole, Iowa. The answer to such an inquiry would appear self-evident in the case of Mr. Biden, who began his running-for-president routine more than three decades ago; in other words, very badly, one would assume.

But the question, posed by a reporter, seemed to come at Mr. Biden as a bit of a curveball — a variant of the “Why do you want to be president?” riddle that CBS’s Roger Mudd famously stumped Ted Kennedy with 40 years ago. The former vice president paused.

“I think it’s really, really, really important that Donald Trump not be re-elected,” Mr. Biden said, more of a rationale than answer. He then launched into a classic Biden roller derby of verbiage in which he listed all the reasons he found Mr. Trump so distasteful. He landed on a question to himself.

“Could I die happily not having heard ‘Hail to the Chief’ play for me?” the Democratic front-runner asked. “Yeah, I could,” he said. “That’s not why I’m running.”

So why is he running? And is the singular nature of the opponent all it will take to convince voters that Joe Biden really wants to be doing this right now — at this vicious moment in our politics and at this stage of his life?

Remarkably, after all this time, Mr. Biden stumbles to come up with a clear answer. [Continue reading…]

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