Poland arrests sabotage suspects and warns of potential hostile acts by Russia

Poland arrests sabotage suspects and warns of potential hostile acts by Russia

The Associated Press reports:

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk said Tuesday that three people were recently arrested on suspicion of links to foreign-sponsored sabotage, adding to nine others already under arrest.

Tusk was speaking at a weekly news conference about what steps his government was taking to protect Poland against hostile activity, including incidents with suspected links to Russian intelligence services.

“Another three people were arrested” on Monday night, Tusk said, as he praised the efficiency of Poland’s national security services. That brings the number of those under arrest to 12.

On Monday, Tusk said that nine people have been jailed on allegations of having “engaged themselves directly into acts of sabotage in Poland, on commission from Russian (intelligence) services” and described them as “hired people, sometimes from the criminal world, and nationals of Ukraine, Belarus and Poland.”

He described these acts as “beatings, arson and attempted arson.”

He said that also other nations in the region, especially Lithuania and Latvia, were threatened by sabotage and provocation. [Continue reading…]

Notes from Poland adds:

It is “likely” that Russia was involved in the fire that recently destroyed Warsaw’s largest shopping centre, says Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk. However, he added that investigations are still ongoing.

At a press conference on Tuesday afternoon, at which he was discussing the formation of a new commission to investigate Russian influence in Poland, Tusk said Russian operatives could have been involved in the fire that earlier this month destroyed the Marywilska 44 shopping centre. [Continue reading…]

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