House Democrats left ‘aghast’ by Biden’s by ‘defensive,’ ‘incoherent,’ and ‘unintelligible’ exchange with Rep. Crow

House Democrats left ‘aghast’ by Biden’s by ‘defensive,’ ‘incoherent,’ and ‘unintelligible’ exchange with Rep. Crow

ABC News reported on a Zoom call Biden held with House Democrats on Saturday:

[Colorado Democrat Rep. Jason] Crow questioned Biden’s mental fitness and if his age is a “national security risk.” The president was “defensive” in his responses, sources say.

A member described to ABC News the exchange was “hard to watch” and detailed how Crow referenced voters’ concerns about Biden being “at the helm when they go to sleep at night.”

The conversation became personal when Biden mentioned Crow’s Bronze Star and attempted to bring up his son Beau, the member said. Two sources described Biden’s exchange with the former Army Ranger as “incoherent” and “unintelligible.”

One member suggested to ABC News that members on the call were left “aghast” after this particular exchange — with members shaking their heads, some with their hands on their faces in apparent shock.

One member confirmed to ABC News the accuracy of the following comments from Biden aimed towards Crow:

“You saw what happened recently in terms of the meeting we had with NATO. I put NATO together,” Biden said.

“Name me a foreign leader who thinks I’m not the most effective leader in the world on foreign policy. Tell me! Tell me who the hell that is! Tell me who put NATO back together!’ he said.

“Tell me who enlarged NATO, tell me who did the Pacific basin! Tell me who did something that you’ve never done with your Bronze Star like my son — and I’m proud of your leadership, but guess what, what’s happening, we’ve got Korea and Japan working together, I put Aukus together, anyway!” he said.

“Things are in chaos, and I’m bringing some order to it. And again, find me a world leader who’s an ally of ours who doesn’t think I’m the most respected person they’ve ever—” he said.

Biden also called on members of Congress to do a “better job” of promoting his successes, implying their lack of support was somehow the reason for his eroding electoral standing, according to a source. [Continue reading…]

NBC News reports:

By the end of last week the president and his team had settled on a strategy forward, the five people familiar with the internal discussions said.

That strategy, as described by multiple Biden aides and allies, is to run out the clock.

Biden aides are looking to leave Democrats little space for pushing him out of the race. The top Biden aide said the hope has been for the Republican National Convention to become “a tipping point” where Democrats started focusing on Trump, not Biden.

“We’re hopeful people will say, ‘OK, well, he’s doing what we asked for, and he’s doing it effectively,’” the aide said.

Another close Biden ally described the approach this way: “Shut it down and play out the clock.” [Continue reading…]

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