Heritage Foundation draft report calls for ending U.S. aid to Israel

Heritage Foundation draft report calls for ending U.S. aid to Israel

Jewish Insider reports:

The Heritage Foundation has composed a new proposal calling for the U.S. to cut off aid to Israel by 2047 and require the Jewish state to increase its purchasing of U.S. defense materials, Jewish Insider has learned.

It was set to announce the report at an event on Wednesday, which has since been canceled, a source familiar with the situation said, after at least one of the headline speakers withdrew from participating.

A draft of the report obtained by JI recommends that Washington use the 2028 expiration date of the current Memorandum of Understanding — which requires the U.S. to provide $3.8 billion of security assistance to Israel annually and must be renegotiated in 2026 — as an “opportunity” to “forge a new relationship with the State of Israel.”

The plan laid out in the report advises initially increasing the amount of aid, called Foreign Military Financing (FMF), provided to Israel to $4 billion annually beginning in 2029, but decreasing it by $250 million annually starting in 2032 until the aid is stopped completely by the end of fiscal year 2047 (“to coincide with the 100th anniversary of Israel’s independence,” the report notes).

Conversely, beginning in 2039, Israel will be required to increase its purchasing of U.S. defense equipment, called Foreign Military Sales (FMS), by $250 million per year until it reaches $2.25 billion in 2047. [Continue reading…]

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