At least five IGs investigating Elon Musk’s companies were fired by the Trump-Musk administration

At least five IGs investigating Elon Musk’s companies were fired by the Trump-Musk administration


The New Republic:

“Five inspector generals that were looking into Elon Musk’s companies were fired by the Trump-Musk administration,” said Texas Representative Greg Casar. “These inspector generals, who are independent, protected by law; they are the people that find the waste, fraud, and abuse … fired because they were looking into Elon Musk.”

“You know what Elon Musk doesn’t seem to be looking into?” Casar continued. “His own contracts.”

“Just last year, Elon Musk was promised $3 billion from close to 100 contracts with the federal government,” Casar said, highlighting the discrepancy that seniors who rely on Social Security are dependent upon $65 a day from the government. “We’re not looking into Elon Musk’s $8 million a day. This subcommittee chaired by Marjorie Taylor Greene and the House Republicans is looking into your grandmother’s $65 a day.”

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