Majority of Republicans support Supreme Court reforms in Biden’s proposal, poll finds

Majority of Republicans support Supreme Court reforms in Biden’s proposal, poll finds

The Hill reports:

Most Republicans support the policy proposals in President Biden’s plan to reform the Supreme Court, according to a new USA Today/Ipsos poll.

Biden outlined a three-pronged approach to reforming the high court in a speech last month, calling for a binding code of conduct, 18-year term limits for Supreme Court justices, and a Constitutional amendment declaring no one — not even the president — is above the law.

The latest poll shows 70 percent of Republicans support a binding code of conduct for justices that would require disclosure of gifts, prohibit involvement in political activity, and mandate recusal from cases involving conflicts of interest for themselves or their spouses.

Slimmer majorities of Republicans support the constitutional amendment proposal (54 percent) and the term limits proposal (51 percent).

Total support among respondents for the code of conduct is 76 percent, including 89 percent of Democrats and 75 percent of independents. [Continue reading…]

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