Biden campaign is finally realizing: ‘It’s a when, not if’

Biden campaign is finally realizing: ‘It’s a when, not if’

NBC News reports:

In the hours after the assassination attempt on Trump last weekend, some Democrats said — even feared — that the calls for Biden to step aside would be “frozen” as the president dealt with a national crisis. But that faded quickly. Some allies now say that the shooting, which has caused an even more intense rallying around Trump within his party, only makes it more glaringly obvious that the nagging narrative of whether Biden is on a cognitive decline cannot win the White House.

A person with knowledge of the projections said the Biden campaign now expects it will raise only 25% of the big donor money it had originally projected to raise in July — that’s a further downgrade from the expectation last week that large-dollar fundraising would be down by as much as 50%. The money has “dried up,” this person said.

One Democratic lawmaker on Wednesday said if Biden didn’t agree to step aside, the cacophony of calls will grow only louder, with more lawmakers expected to urge him to do so. The lawmaker called it a “sad moment” for the party.

A sense of reality is beginning to wash over some of the president’s top campaign lieutenants, who have endured streams of phone calls from donors and one-time supporters flagging that they can no longer back Biden.

A person who spoke with a senior campaign official said a sense of a new reality has fallen over the campaign.

“They’re finally realizing: It’s a when, not if,” the person said. [Continue reading…]

‘This is the endgame’: Van Jones reacts to growing pressure on Biden:


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