Why won’t rich Republicans loan money to upstanding businessman Donald Trump?

Why won’t rich Republicans loan money to upstanding businessman Donald Trump?

Jonathan Chait writes:

The Republican Party is united in its belief that Donald Trump’s court-ordered financial distress is the product of Democratic Party “lawfare.” Liberal prosecutors and courts have set out to persecute an upstanding businessman, hounding him over minor or nonexistent financial discrepancies. He is being forced to liquidate his extremely solid business to pay trumped-up fines.

The conservative talk-show host Mark Levin has absorbed these complaints and earnestly raises a natural follow-up question: Why aren’t any patriotic conservative businesspeople stepping in to rescue Trump with a loan?

This is a perfectly natural response to the premise that Trump’s totally legitimate business is facing a sudden cash crunch. And yet, none of the Republican billionaires have stepped forward to loan Trump the funds to get him through this short-term crisis.

Let me propose an alternative explanation for the paradox Levin is observing: Wealthy Republicans are hesitant to extend large loans to Trump because he is, in fact, a crook. [Continue reading…]

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