Liberals are not laughing about Jon Stewart’s jabs at Joe Biden

Liberals are not laughing about Jon Stewart’s jabs at Joe Biden

Rolling Stone reports:

One-time fans who perhaps remember comedian Jon Stewart only taking satirical swipes at conservatives while host of The Daily Show were shocked and aggrieved when he returned to host the program after almost nine years on Monday to take aim at President Joe Biden.

During an “Indecision 2024” segment that anchored the first half of the show, Stewart aired exasperation over Donald Trump and Biden being the oldest-ever candidates for president, breaking a record they themselves set in the 2020 election. (In his usual self-deprecating style, he also took a moment to lament his own age and appearance.) The monologue made room for ridicule of Trump’s most unhinged comments but did not spare his incumbent Democratic opponent, who has lately faced intense questioning on his mental acuity. At one point, Stewart showed Biden — at a press conference to address a Justice Department probe that characterized him as a “well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory” — mixing up the countries of Mexico and Egypt.

Stewart’s takeaway was that both men were obliged prove their fitness for office. “What’s crazy is thinking that we’re the ones, as voters, who must silence concerns and criticisms,” he said. “It is the candidates’ job to assuage concerns, not the voters’ job not to mention them.” He also said that the danger posed by another Trump term doesn’t excuse Biden from scrutiny but “actually makes him more subject to scrutiny.” [Continue reading…]


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