Laphonza Butler will be the first Black, openly LGBTQ+ woman in the Senate or House

Laphonza Butler will be the first Black, openly LGBTQ+ woman in the Senate or House

HuffPost reports:

Laphonza Butler, who California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) appointed Sunday to finish out the late Dianne Feinstein’s Senate term, will make history when she’s sworn in.

She will be the first Black, openly LGBTQ+ woman to serve in either chamber of Congress.

“Today she shatters a rainbow ceiling in becoming the first out Black LGBTQ+ U.S. senator and she will serve knowing her presence and impact will be felt in countless ways,” Annise Parker, the president and CEO of LGBTQ+ Victory Institute, said in a statement Monday.

“Laphonza is a champion for building a more inclusive and representative government and will certainly be a champion for women, people of color and LGBTQ+ people,” said Parker, a former mayor of Houston. “The U.S. Senate is our most prestigious legislative body, but also one where change is slow. Laphonza’s appointment today is an exception to that rule, being a big step forward in our push for a more representative government.”

“It is only right that a Black woman who has paved the way for countless others to lead is now given an opportunity to lead herself,” said NAACP president and CEO Derrick Johnson. “The NAACP commends Governor Newsom for taking steps to fill the gaps in representation that currently exist within our Senate … One thing is clear ― Black women are supreme.” [Continue reading…]

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